Our Intent for RE
To enable our pupils to deepen their understanding of religious and non-religious beliefs and views so they can engage in an increasingly diverse society. Religious, theological and philosophical learning will enable pupils to gain a shared human understanding of beliefs, develop their own personal identity and an appreciation and acceptance of different viewpoints.
Our intent is that every child, those with a religious belief and those with none, are challenged to reflect “on the big questions life throws at us and some of the responses to these from around the world and throughout history”
(Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus 2023-38).
Please note that we have reflected and reviewed our RE curriculum to ensure we are offering our pupils a deeper understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs in line with the Herts Agreed Syllabus. As of Autumn 2 term, In conjunction with the Herts Agreed Syllabus and our own enhancements (based on the beliefs of pupils across the school) we have also incorporated aspects of the Natre scheme of work.