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The Grove Infant and Nursery School

Happy + Inspired = Success

Ofsted Outstanding in all areas - November 2023

Joining and Leaving Our School

We understand that transitioning to the next phase of education can feel like a big change for our children and their families.  For children starting at our school in Reception or another year group, moving to the next year group and for those going on to The Grove Junior School we offer lots of support to help make the process as smooth as possible.

Pupils transfer from the Infant to the Junior School at the end of year 2, in the new academic year following their 7th birthday.  For our it is a natural progression, and the vast majority of children continue their learning journey at the Grove Junior School.  


Children coming into The Grove Infant’s Nursery or Reception Classes

There is a comprehensive transition programme for children joining our school to ensure they get off to the best possible start.

For more information about this please refer to our Admissions Documents.


Children with additional needs

If your child has additional needs, we ask parents to contact our Inclusion Leader who will be able to meet with them to discuss any adaptations that may be needed to support them.


Children coming to The Grove Infant mid-year

If your child is transitioning into our school within an academic year we know how important it is for them to feel settled as quickly as possible.

The Head or Deputy Teacher will meet with you and your child prior to your child joining.  The more we know about your child before starting, the easier it is to provide the right kind of support when they start.  You will be shown around the school and will meet the new teacher and class.  Teachers are always keen to arrange a short meeting to exchange any important information that will enable your child to settle quickly and happily. 

Our Admin team will assist you with any forms you need to complete.

Children moving on to The Grove Junior School

There is a comprehensive package of transition, developed through experience, to support children as they leave the Infant School:

  • The children have time to talk about transition in assemblies and PHSE lessons. 
    This includes specific PHSE lessons focused on helping children to reflect on their time with us and think about the transition to Junior School e.g. what they are looking forward to and what they may be concerned about. 
  • The Infant and Junior Head teachers take a joint  Assembly to talk about the changes.
  • The Junior Head teacher comes to meet the children in class.
  • Y2 children visit the Junior School for ‘meet the teacher’ mornings to familiarise themselves with the school building, classroom and teacher.
  • The children spend playtimes throughout the summer term on the Junior playground so they can familiarise themselves with the equipment and space, supported by Year 5 buddies.
  • The children are taken to the Junior school to have lunch.
  • There is a Junior Parent/Carer Information meeting, where parents/carers can learn more about the school and have the opportunity to ask questions.
  • We ask the Junior School teachers to complete an ‘All About Me’ form which gives the children some information about their teacher. Parents are encouraged to read this over the summer holidays.
  • Children are asked to complete an ‘All About Me’ form for their new Junior teacher to get to know more about them.
  • The Infant and Junior Class teachers meet to share information about children and how best to support them, providing a comprehensive academic and social handover.
  • Please note that for children with medical needs, parents should take responsibility for ensuring information is shared with the Junior School – we can let them know that the need exists, but details of support should always be current and up to date.  It is  essential the new school deals with parents directly in order to guarantee safety. 


Children with additional needs

Children that have additional needs or who require further reassurance about moving on are offered the opportunity of extra visits with the Infant and Junior School Inclusion Leaders.  Parents will be informed if we feel that these visits are appropriate, or parents can speak to the class teacher or our Inclusion Leader to arrange them.

The Infant and Junior Inclusion Leaders also meet to share information regarding children’s needs and effective provision.

The Junior Inclusion leader is invited to come and meet the children at our school, where they are comfortable and at home.


Children moving up to the next year group

During the Summer Term, children have the opportunity to meet their new teacher and teaching assistant, and spend a morning getting to know them and their new classmates.

Children will be given a ‘Meet the Teacher’ sheet which tells them all about the staff in their new class, which they are encouraged to read and reread over the summer holidays.

A child’s existing teacher will meet with their new teacher to share information on how best to support them, what they like and what their academic targets are. 

Children with additional needs

The Inclusion Leader meets with teachers at the beginning of term and throughout the year, to ensure continuity of provision to support their learning and wellbeing. 

Children are offered additional visits from the class teacher and other adults working in the child’s new class.


How can you help?

We value the partnership between school and parents/carers and know it is the key to children having a happy and successful time with us.  If parents have any concerns, then we would encourage them to share them with us and together we will find the best way forward. 

To find out more ways in which you can help your child to make a smooth transition to the next stage of education, please see the following websites:-


