Nursery Admissions 2025
Was your child born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 Are you interested in them attending The Grove’s ‘Outstanding’ Nursery?
We are offering wraparound provision for Nursery children for the first time through our regular partners Fusion. Children will be able to access breakfast club from 7.30 am, Nursery sessions and after school club care until 6.00 pm. We hope this allows parents who have not been able to use our Nursery before to bring their children to join us.
Attending a school Nursery like ours gives children a really excellent start to their learning journey. Led by a qualified teacher, our nurturing provision includes a safe and supportive environment but also high quality, educative experiences that stretch and challenge. Our Nursery is an important part of our school, and we want every child, whatever their starting point, to be excited and inspired by early learning experiences. We get to know the children very well and put no ceiling on their learning.
You can send your child to The Grove Nursery from wherever you live, unless we are oversubscribed. First priority is given to children where an overriding social or medical factor needs to be considered. Children whose older brothers and sisters are already at the school are also prioritised, and then places will be given to children for whom the school is the most accessible in relation to alternative schools. Places are allocated according to a schedule drawn up annually with other schools with Nursery classes in Harpenden and Villages.
We have one intake every September. We are delighted to invite you to come and look around. You will get a flavour of what it is like to be at The Grove Nursery and can explore the learning environment and see what the Nursery offers. We will do our very best to answer any questions you may have.
Tour dates are available below.
Tour dates and booking links:
Tour dates and booking links for an opportunity to look around:
Tuesday 21st January 2025, 9.30 am
Friday 24th January 2025, 9.30 am NOW FULLY BOOKED
Wednesday 29th January 2025, 9.30 am
Thursday 30th January 2025, 6.00 pm
Nursery Application 2025 form
Reception 2025
If you have a child born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, the first round of applications will open on 1/11/24: School Admissions
We know that parents welcome an opportunity to look around the school, and we would strongly encourage you to do this. If you wish to come and visit please see dates and booking forms below.
The Grove Schools share the same children and families and operating as two separate schools allows us to specialise in delivering excellent education for the children in our age phases. Here at the Infants we work with children aged between 4 and 7, starting children on their learning journey and developing their key skills. Staff are expert practitioners, and our Early Years and KS1 provision is exceptional. At the Juniors, staff continue to offer specialist instruction for children aged between 7 and 11, expanding and building on the strong foundation of the Infant School.
Both schools have excellent academic outcomes, and recognise that education today needs to include an emphasis not only on key skills, but also on a broad and diverse curriculum that allows children to try different things and discover where their talents lie. We share a large, well developed site in the south of Harpenden.
Have a look at the films below to get a flavour of what we do, and then call the school office if you need any more help.
Films - a great way to get a first impression of The Grove
There are three films introducing The Grove. Why not have a look?
In Year Admissions
If you arrive in the area and are looking for a school place you are welcome to give us a ring - we have places in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We are happy to talk to you about our school and how you can come and join us. Call us on 01582 761849. Please bear in mind that all in year admissions are dealt with administratively by Hertfordshire County Council and you can contact them on this number: 0300 123 4043. They will be able to tell you how to secure a place, once you have decided you want to be part of The Grove.