Our PSHE Intent
We aim to prepare children to lead a happy and worthwhile life, helping them to know who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever changing world. PSHE/RSE helps children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We provide children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities, playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
The Jigsaw Approach followed and delivered at The Grove Infants aims to bring together skills around emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development. We take a mindful approach to the teaching of PSHE/RSE and support the children both during planned Jigsaw lessons but also in the everyday interactions during a school day. Children are encouraged to express their feelings and find the words to explain how they will deal with a range of different situations. This approach links to our STEPS approach to behaviour support and our school Golden Rules. All adults model a kind and calm approach in their interactions and this supports a truly whole school approach to PSHE/RSE.