Learning Outside The Classroom
“We believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances”. (Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto 2006)
Learning outside the classroom is an integral part of our whole-school intent to provide breadth and depth to our curriculum. We believe that key positive impacts of learning outside the classroom include increasing knowledge and skills, social development, enhanced self-esteem and confidence, improved physical development and health, and a change in environmental behaviours and attitudes.
Learning outside the classroom recognises that direct experience is important in learning more and remembering more.
Learning outside the classroom supports learning across the breadth of both the EYFS and KS1 curriculum: whilst learning about Science/KW for example, the children might also develop knowledge and skills linked to PSHE/PSED, Geography/KW, PE/PD and D&T!