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The Grove Infant and Nursery School

Happy + Inspired = Success

Ofsted Outstanding in all areas - November 2023


We strongly believe that quality first teaching is essential in meeting the needs of our pupils.  Our teachers employ a wide range of strategies that will support ALL pupils to make the best possible progress.  This includes the use of visuals, physical manipulatives, pre-teaching and over-learning and adapting learning to meet the needs of all our pupils.

Our assessment process informs an action plan for each of our PPG pupils.  A pupil's action plan will set out SMART (specific, measurable, accurate, realistic and timely) targets and provision.

Provision may include some or all of the following:-

  • Targeted teaching in class
  • Interventions
  • One to One tutoring
  • Pastoral Support
  • Interventions for social, emotional and well-being development
  • Additional resources - the school purchase a resource called 'Letterbox' providing each child with their own colourful parcel of books, maths games, stationery and other high quality materials

