The Parents’ Forum is a group of parents who meet the Head teacher and a Governor in order to provide helpful, up-to-date feedback on life in school. It is useful to have parents from all year groups taking part and if it is possible for someone from each class to come along, these parents can act as representatives for others and gather views from the larger parent body to bring along to meetings. Email addresses are circulated, so that parents can contact members of the Forum and ask them to raise specific issues or make comments on their behalf.
The meetings have an agenda, drawn up by the Head teacher. These agendas enable the school leadership team to gather feedback and ideas on a wide range of issues. Sometimes we use the results of the latest Parent Survey as a basis for discussion, following up on any areas of school life where improvements need to be made. There is also plenty of time in the meetings to discuss any other business that parents wish to raise, and this often leads to some really interesting information for the school leaders present. The parent perspective on what we do is crucial to us ‘getting it right’.
If you would be interested in coming along, please contact the school office. The Forum meets half termly on Monday or Friday afternoons from 1.45pm to 3.15pm.