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The Grove Infant and Nursery School

Happy + Inspired = Success

Ofsted Outstanding in all areas - November 2023

Supporting Parents Financially

Any parents who are finding life financially challenging should be aware that we are here to help.  We have been looking at the cost of a school day, and are here to help, aiming eliminate any barriers that parents may encounter.

Uniforms, trips, contributions to fund raising events - if you are on a limited budget, it may be impossible to afford all of the additional costs.  At The Grove every child should feel included, and able to participate, learn and achieve.  While we work to reduce costs, please let us know if we can help you and your family in any way. Email Ms Archer with any issues - - and we will treat any communication with confidence and we can work together to provide any support that is needed.  Talking about money should not cause embarrassment, but will enable us to understand the challenges and work together to make sure noone is left out.

Here is a link if you are interested in finding out more: CPAG - Cost of the school day   
