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The Grove Infant and Nursery School

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Ofsted Outstanding in all areas - November 2023

Personal, Social and Emotional Education, including Relationships and Sex Education at The Grove

Personal, Social and Emotional Education

Probably the most important teaching that is delivered at the beginning of the school journey is personal, social and emotional education: children need to learn to live and work harmoniously together, managing their own feelings and understanding the impact their behaviour has on others.  

At The Grove Infants we follow a scheme of work called Jigsaw (The Grove Juniors use One Decision, they are aware of the importance of the transition process and continue to use some elements of the Jigsaw programme to support children as they begin in the Junior school.)


The Jigsaw Approach

How would children benefit if they could be aware of their thoughts and feelings as they happen, in the moment, on purpose with no judgement?  This awareness, known as mindfulness, underpins the Jigsaw philosophy.  The school follows a programme of lessons that build upon each other throughout the school year.  Mindfulness can be learnt, but it needs to be practised!

Jigsaw brings together emotional literacy, social skills, and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. It is a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme at the same time. Each 'puzzle' piece - topic - starts with an assembly, and generates a whole school focus for adults and children alike. Jigsaw is taught weekly in class with regular circle times and opportunities to share thoughts and feelings. Each Year group has a Jigsaw character that can be passed around to help children to share their ideas. Reception have Jigsaw Jenie, Year 1 have Jigsaw Jack and Year 2 have Jigsaw Jo.

This holistic approach provides structure and familiarity to children and supports their learning by reinforcing key themes.  Below you can see an outline of the programme and how it develops through the school year:


Term: Autumn 1

Puzzle piece


Year 1

Year 2


Being me in my world.

Who…me ?

Special and safe

Hopes and fears for the year


Being me in my world.

How am I feeling today?

My class

Rights and responsibilities


Being me in my world.

Being at school

Rights and responsibilities

Rewards and consequences


Being me in my world.

Gentle hands

Rewards and feeling proud

Rewards and consequences


Being me in my world.

Our rights


Our Learning Charter


Being me in my world.

Our responsibilities

Owning our Learning Charter

Owning our Learning Charter


Term: Autumn 2

Puzzle piece


Year 1

Year 2


Celebrating difference

What am I good at?

The same as…

Boys and girls


Celebrating difference

I’m special, I’m Me

Different from..

Boys and girls


Celebrating difference


What is bullying?

Why does bullying happen?


Celebrating difference

Houses and homes

What do I do about bullying

Standing up for myself


Celebrating difference

Making friends

Making new friends

Making a new friend


Term: Spring 1

Puzzle piece


Year 1

Year 2


Dreams and goals


My treasure chest of success

Goals to success


Dreams and goals

Never give up

Steps to goals

My learning strengths


Dreams and goals

Setting a goal

Achieving together

Learning with others


Dreams and goals

Obstacles and support

Stretchy learning

A group challenge


Dreams and goals

Flight to the future

Overcoming obstacles

Celebrating our achievements


Term: Spring 2

Puzzle piece


Year 1

Year 2


Healthy me

Everybody’s body

Being healthy

Being healthy



Healthy me

We like to move it, move it!

Healthy choices

Being relaxed


Healthy me

Food, glorious food

Clean and healthy

Medicine safety


Healthy me

Food, glorious food

Medicine safety

Healthy eating


Healthy me

Stranger danger

Healthy me cafe

Road safety





Term: Summer 1

Puzzle piece


Year 1

Year 2



My family and me






Make friends, make friends, never ever break friends!

Making friends

Keeping safe



Make friends, make friends, never ever break friends!


Friends and conflict



Falling out and bullying

People who help us




Being the best friend we can be

Being my own best friend

Trust and appreciation



Term: Summer 2

Puzzle piece


Year 1

Year 2


Changing me

My body

Life cycles

Life cycles in nature


Changing me

Respecting my body

Changing me

Growing from young to old


Changing me

Growing up

My changing body

The changing me



Changing me

Growth and change

Boys’ and girls’ bodies

Boys’ and girls’ bodies


Changing me

Fun and fears

Learning and growing





Changing me

Fun and fears

Share your worries

Looking ahead to Year 1

Coping and changing


Looking ahead to Year 3

In line with statutory requirements, before the Changing me jigsaw begins in Year 2, parents are given information about how children are taught about their bodies.  This provides an opportunity for parents to ask questions and be reassured about how lessons are delivered in an age appropriate way.    
If you would like any more information about any aspects of our Personal, Social and Emotional curriculum or Relationships and Sex Education curriculum, please do not hesitate to talk to class teachers or the subject leader, Sarah Norton.




PSHE RSE Policy 2022
