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The Grove Infant and Nursery School

Happy + Inspired = Success

Ofsted Outstanding in all areas - November 2023


All pupils entitled to the pupil premium grant (PPG) are assessed in the following ways:-

  • PPG Action Plans discussions between PPG Tutor, Class Teacher and Inclusion Leader take place to identify any areas of improvement or acceleration for our PPG pupils.  An action plan is then put into place (see 'Plan' tab for an example).
  • Parent/Carer meetings are held termly with the Inclusion Leader and Class teachers.  Parents/Carers are given the opportunity to discuss their child's strengths and areas for development and any ways in which the school can support
  • Inclusion Leader meetings are held termly between the Inclusion Leader and Class teachers to discuss the needs and provision for these pupils
  • Pupil Progress meetings are held termly between the Senior Leadership Team and Class Teachers specifically review the progress of pupils in receipt of PPG
  • Pupil voice through Senior Leadership Conferences where SLT meet with pupils to talk about their learning and review their books
  • School Governors are kept informed of the progress of pupils in receipt of PPG 