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The Grove Infant and Nursery School

Happy + Inspired = Success

Ofsted Outstanding in all areas - November 2023

PPG (Pupil Premium Grant)

The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding paid to schools for identified groups of pupils.  It equates to approximately £1,300 a year - and is paid every year that a child is in primary school once a parent has successfully registered. 

Low income families, parents in the armed forces and children defined as 'looked after' (including previously 'looked after' children) are eligible for the pupil premium grant. 

Because all children at the Infant school get Free School Meals there is sometimes confusion over whether to register for this entitlement - we would encourage anyone who is on a low income to register as the benefits are great.  You can either:

  • Put your details into this really 'easy to use' eligibility tool, available through this link to Hertfordshire County Council's website: Click here
  • Or contact our admin team in the school office if you feel your child may qualify (we will always deal with any matters confidentially and sensitively).


Essentially, the grant is used to provide additional financial support to the school to raise the attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.  


To find out more about the PPG Support plan for this academic year click here.


Please click the icons below to find out more about our provision for pupils in receipt of PPG.
